Ecommerce Marketplace
eCommerce Marketplace
Organizations consisting of a number of decentralzied corporate locations typically struggle to receive deep discounts due to a lack of buying power. By dividing the purchasing of common products amongst number of competing suppliers a company minimizes the leverage they would have by channeling these purchases to a fewer number of suppliers.
Customized, Easy-To-Use, One-Stop Shop
- One-stop shopoping experience built specifically for your organizations’s needs
- Single dedicated team to keep track of all your programs and purchases.
- No training necessary to make purchasing simple. Intuitive user experience for easy ordering and reordering… just login, search, and buy what you need and get back to your regular responsibilities.
- No more phoning or faxing ordrs. No need to take teh time to create multiple purchase orders for multiple vendors. No more searcing multiple websites looking for a new item. The LaFramboise Group will build a system that is your first source, your top source for everyhthing you need.